Visual studio code c++ intellisense path
Visual studio code c++ intellisense path

You can verify this with the context menu on a standard library include (Context menu > Peek > Definition): Peek DefinitionĬode Completion and IntelliSense in general is triggered by +: Code Completion With this IntelliSense is able to find the correct header files and definitions with the toolchain used. ‘gcc-arm’ is considered legacy, but not sure what to use otherwise for ARM?

  • cStandard and cppStandard: the C and C++ standard to be used.
  • compilerPath: path to the compiler executable.
  • forcedInclude: if using the -include compiler option, make sure you list that file here.
  • defines: list all the extra defines which shall be considered.
  • The ‘**’ notation means it will search recursively that folder It automatically will use the ones located in the toolchain (compiler) installation.
  • includePath: list here all locations where IntelliSense shall search for header files.
  • name: arbitrary name for the configuration.
  • "compilerPath": "C:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/10 2020-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe", So instead using the wizard above simply create the file and copy-paste the template below: /src/IncludeMcuLibConfig.h"], vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file inside the project. In the following UI all the settings can be configured:

    visual studio code c++ intellisense path

    With the Microsoft C/C++ Extension there is a graphical (UI) configuration utility.

    visual studio code c++ intellisense path

    If you are unfamiliar what IntelliSense does, check out SetupĪs everything else, the Indexer in Visual Studio Code is using a JSON configuration file. The Eclipse IDE has a similar feature with the ‘ Indexer‘, but imho the one in Visual Studio Code is not only easier to setup but more powerful. The powerful IntelliSense in Visual Studio Code is probably *the* feature in Visual Studio Code. This one is about setting up IntelliSense for Cross Development in Visual Studio Code which allows for browsing symbols or code completion: Code Completion in Visual Studio Outline The previous parts were about installation, project setup, building, debugging and setting up a kit.

    Visual studio code c++ intellisense path